The Universal Preschool registration portal for the 25-26 school year is now OPEN to all families.

MSCR participates in Universal Pre-k through the State of Colorado. For more information on this program and providers, please visit https://upk.colorado.gov/

How does UPK work at MSCR?

Families can choose to attend 3,4, or 5 days in our Primary program and receive the monthly credit off the tuition invoice due on the 1st of every month. All children in the year before kindergarten are eligible for up to 15 hours of funding per week with additional funding available through the state if eligibility is met. Whether approved for 15 or 30 hours, MSCR families can choose the days of care they need as long as they are available!


Continuity of Care


We recommend parents enroll prior to UPK eligibility for continuity of care benefits.


If your child already attends our school, their UPK seat is guaranteed through the state’s continuity of care early registration window.


Please click to download MSCR’s registration flyer:

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